Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Luna blue

Luna blue, inserito originariamente da Hawkea.

dear friends, I need your attention for 2 minutes. Most of you know already Luna, my youngest daughter who has Down Syndrome. She truly is my life and from the moment she was born (ok maybe a few days after the initial shock) our life has changed drastically and only for the better.

What I am asking you is to have a look at this blog about Zara another little girl with DS who should be at home with her adoring parents and instead has spent the first 2 years of her life in an orphanage, just because of the "condition" she was born with....And shes not the only one either.....
Just knowing that you my friends have read that post will help me knowing that I am doing something to spread this very important message that most people in western societies are not aware of.

Thank you in advance.


  1. "La vera autenticità non sta nell'essere quel che si è, ma nel somigliare il più possibile al SOGNO che si ha di se stessi..."
    Spero che lei,con i suoi scatti, possa riuscirci professore!Buona fortuna per il futuro,
    una sua affezionata alunna.

  2. Grazie per questa bellissima citazione e augurio. Mi sono davvero emozionato e spero tu abbia ragione....:)
    Abbiamo avuto esami insieme oggi? ;P
