Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sad, sad, sad......

Sad, sad, sad......, inserito originariamente da Hawkea.

Hi everyone :)
As some of you may recall we just went to UK where I finally had my PhD viva (everything went well and thanks to everyone for the support) and then to celebrate we headed to Disneyland Paris. Everything was going well until the second to the last night when Luna (my youngest daughter) fell down from the bed and broke her collarbone badly.......As you can guess she wasn't a happy bunny, especially 'cause she missed her last day in Disney, poor girl. Anyway, she is now slowly recovering even though the bone's fragments don't seem to heal as well as we had hoped, at least she got to miss the first 10 days of school that should be enough to make up for the day she missed in Disney :)
Also in the last few days I have been quite busy setting up my Google+ account. I have to recognise that G+ has some good potential for photography, in just 4 days I got 1800 followers!!
If any of you already has a G+ account or think about making one in the future this is the link to my profile page in case you want to add me:
Have a good day everyone, it feels good to be back and I'll make sure to visit your streams soon.

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